Ask the Author

Have a question about my stories, characters, or processes?  Ask away!  I will reply as often as I am able.  Stay creative!

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Kelsey Schmidt (Tuesday, 24 July 2018 14:45)

    What advice would you give to young children who are aspiring authors? I'm thinking in relation to my kindergarten students and ways to encourage them and make this dream realistic.

  • #2

    Michelle Greenwood (Tuesday, 24 July 2018 14:55)

    Hi Kelsey, I am so excited to see your question! Keep those young kiddos excited! They are just learning the basics of reading and writing. Keep their interests in mind while you teach and show them lots and lots of examples of work. Focus on the excitement of it rather than the work of it. I see too many children turned away from reading and writing because it becomes a chore. Work with parents on how to praise the effort their child gives rather than the product itself.