Reasons Why · 03. February 2019
There are always a thousand reasons why not, focus on the one reason why and astound yourself.
Lessons from kids · 03. November 2018
Picture day is either the most exciting or the most dreaded day for many. As a parent I dread it, but this is why we should take the pressure off.
Lessons from kids · 08. September 2018
Sometimes you spend too much time waiting, too much time wishing, too much time feeling bad for yourself.
20. August 2018
Phrases like Fake News, Squad Goals, or Adulting are all the buzz right now. One phrase that should not be included as a buzzphrase is Early Childhood Education. Let me explain.
09. August 2018
I promised myself I would say yes more often, here is why.
04. August 2018
Why I will let my daughters try, fail, try, and learn.